int errorCode
byte errorSource
boolean retriable
String detailedMessage
boolean markedAsShowToUser
SourceLocation sourceLocation
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[] fields
int[] sortKeys
ResourceSchema.Order[] sortKeyOrders
int version
String name
byte type
String description
ResourceSchema schema
int version
Long numDistinctValues
Object[] mostCommonValues
float[] mostCommonValuesFreq
Object[] valueHistogram
String colName
int colIndex
SortColInfo.Order sortOrder
PhysicalPlan mapPlan
PhysicalPlan reducePlan
PhysicalPlan combinePlan
byte mapKeyType
boolean mapDone
boolean reduceDone
boolean endOfAllInputInMap
boolean endOfAllInputInReduce
boolean globalSort
boolean limitAfterSort
boolean limitOnly
org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceOper.OPER_FEATURE feature
boolean needsDistinctCombiner
boolean useSecondaryKey
String quantFile
boolean[] sortOrder
boolean[] secondarySortOrder
Set<E> UDFs
Set<E> scalars
boolean isUDFComparatorUsed
String scope
int requestedParallelism
int estimatedParallelism
int runtimeParallelism
String customPartitioner
long limit
PhysicalPlan limitPlan
boolean splitter
boolean skewedJoin
String skewedJoinPartitionFile
boolean usingTypedComparator
boolean combineSmallSplits
MultiMap<K,V> phyToMRMap
String name
PhysicalPlan plan
int code
int requestedParallelism
List<E> inputs
List<E> outputs
byte resultType
PhysicalPlan parentPlan
boolean inputAttached
Tuple input
Result res
String alias
LineageTracer lineageTracer
boolean accum
List<E> originalLocations
String alias
int line
int offset
byte returnStatus
Object result
ExpressionOperator lhs
ExpressionOperator rhs
ExpressionOperator cond
ExpressionOperator lhs
ExpressionOperator rhs
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
FuncSpec funcSpec
boolean castNotNeeded
Byte realType
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema fieldSchema
String key
RegexImpl impl
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
FuncSpec funcSpec
FuncSpec origFSpec
boolean initialized
MonitoredUDFExecutor executor
PhysicalOperator referencedOperator
boolean isAccumulationDone
String signature
boolean haveCheckedIfTerminatingAccumulator
long numInvocations
long timingFrequency
boolean doTiming
boolean usingSchemaTupleFactory
boolean isEarlyTerminating
boolean isTerminated
ExpressionOperator expr
PORegexp regexop
int side
boolean rhsConstant
PigNullableWritable keyWritable
List<E> packagers
ArrayList<E> isKeyWrapped
boolean sameMapKeyType
boolean inCombiner
PigNullableWritable keyWritable
boolean[] readOnce
DataBag[] bags
Object key
boolean isKeyTuple
boolean isKeyCompound
byte keyType
int numInputs
boolean useSecondaryKey
boolean[] inner
boolean distinct
Map<K,V> keyInfo
Packager.PackageType pkgType
POPackage parent
List<E> counterPlans
List<E> mAscCols
boolean isDenseRank
boolean isRowNumber
Long localCount
Integer taskID
String operationID
ArrayList<E> myPlans
boolean getNext
boolean inpEOP
PhysicalOperator curLeaf
PhysicalPlan curPlan
boolean inCombiner
BitSet processedSet
PhysicalPlan plan
PhysicalOperator comOp
byte compOperandType
List<E> inputPlans
List<E> opsToBeReset
boolean processingPlan
Object[] bags
Object[] data
byte[] resultTypes
BitSet earlyTermination
boolean[] isToBeFlattenedArray
ExampleTuple tIn
int noItems
PhysicalOperator[] planLeafOps
Tuple inpTuple
boolean endOfAllInputProcessed
boolean mapSideOnly
Boolean endOfAllInputProcessing
Schema schema
boolean isEarlyTerminated
TupleMaker<A extends Tuple> tupleMaker
boolean knownSize
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ExecException
int fragment
List<E> phyPlanLists
List<E> keyTypes
POLocalRearrange[] LRs
FileSpec[] replFiles
ConstantExpression[] constExps
POForEach fe
POFRJoin.TupleToMapKey[] replicates
boolean processingPlan
Tuple dumTup
boolean setUp
boolean isLeftOuterJoin
DataBag nullBag
Schema[] inputSchemas
Schema[] keySchemas
String customPartitioner
boolean cross
long soFar
long mLimit
PhysicalPlan expressionPlan
FileSpec lFile
PigContext pc
boolean setUpDone
String signature
boolean isTmpLoad
long limit
List<E> plans
List<E> secondaryPlans
List<E> leafOps
List<E> secondaryLeafOps
byte index
byte keyType
byte mainKeyType
byte secondaryKeyType
boolean mIsDistinct
boolean isCross
Result inp
Map<K,V> mProjectedColsMap
Map<K,V> mSecondaryProjectedColsMap
Tuple mFakeTuple
boolean mProjectStar
boolean mSecondaryProjectStar
boolean isKeyTuple
boolean isKeyCompound
boolean isSecondaryKeyTuple
int mProjectedColsMapSize
int mSecondaryProjectedColsMapSize
boolean useSecondaryKey
boolean stripKeyFromValue
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ExecException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ExecException
boolean firstTime
POLocalRearrange[] LRs
OperatorKey opKey
Object prevLeftKey
Result prevLeftInp
Object prevRightKey
Result prevRightInp
boolean doingJoin
FuncSpec rightLoaderFuncSpec
String rightInputFileName
String indexFile
MultiMap<K,V> inpPlans
PhysicalOperator rightPipelineLeaf
PhysicalOperator rightPipelineRoot
boolean noInnerPlanOnRightSide
Object curJoinKey
Tuple curJoiningRightTup
int counter
int leftTupSize
int rightTupSize
int arrayListSize
LOJoin.JOINTYPE joinType
String signature
byte endOfRecordMark
Schema leftInputSchema
Schema mergedInputSchema
Object key
int numInputs
boolean lastBagReadOnly
Packager pkgr
PigNullableWritable keyWritable
PhysicalPlan keyPlan
ExpressionOperator keyLeaf
List<E> valuePlans
List<E> valueLeaves
Integer totalReducers
Map<K,V> reducerMap
boolean inited
PigContext pigContext
int numRowsSampled
long avgTupleMemSz
long rowNum
long skipInterval
long memToSkipPerSample
boolean numRowSplTupleReturned
int sampleRate
float heapPerc
long totalMemory
Result newSample
List<E> rankPlans
List<E> mAscCols
List<E> ExprOutputTypes
String operationID
int localCountIllustrator
int numSamples
int rowProcessed
boolean sampleCollectionDone
Result lastSample
List<E> sortPlans
List<E> ExprOutputTypes
List<E> mAscCols
POUserComparisonFunc mSortFunc
Comparator<T> mComparator
boolean inputsAccumulated
long limit
boolean isUDFComparatorUsed
DataBag sortedBag
String executableManagerStr
StreamingCommand command
Properties properties
boolean initialized
BlockingQueue<E> binaryOutputQueue
BlockingQueue<E> binaryInputQueue
boolean allInputFromPredecessorConsumed
boolean allOutputFromBinaryProcessed
boolean isFetchable
pulls out the data from the pipeline. Therefore we need to
skip the case in POStream.getNextTuple()
which is called by map() or reduce() when
processing the next tuple.BitSet done
boolean nextReturnEOP
int lastInd
PhysicalPlan combinePlan
String inputClassName
String outputClassName
org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty.SchedulingType schedulingType
org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty.DataSourceType dataSourceType
org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty.DataMovementType dataMovementType
Class<T> partitionerClass
boolean useSecondaryKey
boolean[] secondarySortOrder
String intermediateOutputKeyClass
String intermediateOutputValueClass
String intermediateOutputKeyComparatorClass
Map<K,V> outEdges
Map<K,V> inEdges
Set<E> UDFs
Set<E> scalars
AtomicInteger requestedParallelism
int estimatedParallelism
boolean dontEstimateParallelism
boolean overrideIntermediateParallelism
int vertexParallelism
boolean splitter
OperatorKey splitParent
boolean closed
boolean segmentBelow
boolean[] sortOrder
boolean combineSmallSplits
TezOperator sampleOperator
TezOperator sortOperator
boolean needEstimateParallelism
boolean useSecondaryKey
List<E> crossKeys
boolean useMRMapSettings
boolean useGraceParallelism
double parallelismFactor
LinkedList<E> stores
BitSet feature
List<E> vertexGroupMembers
Map<K,V> vertexGroupStores
TezOperator.LoaderInfo loaderInfo
PigContext pigContext
String jobName
long dagId
TezOperPlan tezPlan
String inputKey
String outputKey
boolean connectedToPackage
boolean isSkewedJoin
String inputKey
org.apache.tez.mapreduce.input.MRInput input
org.apache.tez.runtime.library.api.KeyValueReader reader
String outputKey
String inputKey
Object amendKey
Tuple appendedFields
Collection<E> mContents
FileList mSpillFiles
long mSize
long aggSampleTupleSize
int sampled
boolean spillableRegistered
Packager pkgr
PigNullableWritable keyWritable
SelfSpillBag.MemoryLimits memLimit
Tuple item
ExecType execType
Properties properties
List<E> scriptFiles
Map<K,V> aliasedScriptFiles
Map<K,V> definedFunctions
Map<K,V> definedCommands
Properties log4jProperties
org.apache.log4j.Level defaultLogLevel
int defaultParallel
boolean inExplain
boolean inDumpSchema
boolean inIllustrator
String last_alias
List<E> skippedShipPaths
List<E> params
List<E> paramFiles
String resourceName
String alias
byte type
.Schema schema
String canonicalName
OperatorKey mKey
String scope
long id
String executable
String[] argv
List<E> shipSpec
List<E> cacheSpec
Map<K,V> handleSpecs
boolean persistStderr
String logDir
int logFilesLimit
boolean shipFiles
PigContext pigContext
String alias
String cmd
MalformedURLException ex
ScalarExpression scalarExpr
String msg
LogicalExpression expr
SourceLocation location
Exception ex
String alias
DataBag internalDB
DataByteArray internalDBA
Schema internalSchema
int kind
int beginLine
int beginColumn
int endLine
int endColumn
String image next specialToken
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