Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
LoadCaster.bytesToTuple(byte[] b,
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema fieldSchema)
Cast data from bytearray to tuple value.
Tuple |
StreamToPig.deserialize(byte[] bytes)
Given a byte array from a streaming executable, produce a tuple.
Tuple |
PigStreamingBase.deserialize(byte[] bytes)
abstract Tuple |
PigStreamingBase.deserialize(byte[] bytes,
int offset,
int length)
Given a byte array from a streaming executable, produce a tuple.
Tuple |
LoadFuncWrapper.getNext() |
abstract Tuple |
Retrieves the next tuple to be processed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Tuple> |
PigServer.openIterator(String id)
Executes a Pig Latin script up to and including indicated alias.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
IteratingAccumulatorEvalFunc.accumulate(Tuple input) |
void |
AlgebraicEvalFunc.accumulate(Tuple input)
This is the free accumulate implementation based on the static classes provided
by the Algebraic static classes.
abstract void |
AccumulatorEvalFunc.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
Accumulator.accumulate(Tuple b)
Pass tuples to the UDF.
abstract int | t1,
Tuple t2)
This callback method must be implemented by all subclasses.
PrimitiveEvalFunc.exec(Tuple tuple) |
abstract T |
EvalFunc.exec(Tuple input)
This callback method must be implemented by all subclasses.
T |
AccumulatorEvalFunc.exec(Tuple input) |
void |
StoreFuncWrapper.putNext(Tuple tuple) |
void |
StoreFuncInterface.putNext(Tuple t)
Write a tuple to the data store.
abstract void |
StoreFunc.putNext(Tuple t)
Write a tuple to the data store.
void |
IndexableLoadFunc.seekNear(Tuple keys)
This method is called by the Pig runtime to indicate
to the LoadFunc to position its underlying input stream
near the keys supplied as the argument.
byte[] |
PigToStream.serialize(Tuple t)
Given a tuple, produce an array of bytes to be passed to the streaming
byte[] |
PigStreamingBase.serialize(Tuple t)
abstract WritableByteArray |
PigStreamingBase.serializeToBytes(Tuple t)
Given a tuple, produce an array of bytes to be passed to the streaming
byte[] |
StoreCaster.toBytes(Tuple t) |
protected void |
TypedOutputEvalFunc.verifyInput(Tuple input,
int minimumSize) |
protected static void |
TypedOutputEvalFunc.verifyUdfInput(String klass,
Tuple input,
int minimumSize)
Increment Hadoop counters for bad inputs which are either null or too small.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract T |
IteratingAccumulatorEvalFunc.exec(Iterator<Tuple> iter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Tuple> |
if query has executed successfully we want to retrieve the results
via iterating over them.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
AccumuloBinaryConverter.bytesToTuple(byte[] b,
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema fieldSchema)
Tuple |
AbstractAccumuloStorage.getNext() |
protected Tuple |
AccumuloStorage.getTuple( key, value) |
protected abstract Tuple |
AbstractAccumuloStorage.getTuple( key, value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Collection<> |
AccumuloStorage.getMutations(Tuple tuple) |
protected abstract Collection<> |
AbstractAccumuloStorage.getMutations(Tuple tuple) |
void |
AbstractAccumuloStorage.putNext(Tuple tuple) |
byte[] |
AccumuloBinaryConverter.toBytes(Tuple t)
protected byte[] |
AbstractAccumuloStorage.tupleToBytes(Tuple tuple,
int i,
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas) |
protected |
AbstractAccumuloStorage.tupleToText(Tuple tuple,
int i,
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[] fieldSchemas) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Tuple> |
HJob.getResults() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
PigRecordReader.getCurrentValue() |
Tuple |
MergeJoinIndexer.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader<,Tuple> |
PigInputFormat.createRecordReader(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit split,
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext context) |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter<,Tuple> |
PigTextOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext job) |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter<,Tuple> |
PigOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext taskattemptcontext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PigMapReduceCounter.PigMapCounter.collect(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context context,
Tuple tuple)
While tuples are collected, they are counted one by one by a global counter per task.
void |
PigMapOnly.Map.collect(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context oc,
Tuple tuple) |
void |
PigGenericMapReduce.Map.collect(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context oc,
Tuple tuple) |
void |
PigGenericMapReduce.MapWithComparator.collect(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context oc,
Tuple tuple) |
void |
PigGenericMapReduce.MapWithPartitionIndex.collect(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context oc,
Tuple tuple) |
abstract void |
PigGenericMapBase.collect(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context oc,
Tuple tuple) |
protected void | key,
Tuple inpTuple,
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context context)
The map function that attaches the inpTuple appropriately
and executes the map plan if its not empty.
void |
PigTextOutputFormat.PigLineRecordWriter.write( key,
Tuple value) |
void |
PigOutputFormat.PigRecordWriter.write( key,
Tuple value)
We only care about the values, so we are going to skip the keys when
we write.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected PigNullableWritable |
WeightedRangePartitioner.getPigNullableWritable(Tuple t) |
protected float[] |
WeightedRangePartitioner.getProbVec(Tuple values) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Tuple |
PhysicalOperator.input |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PhysicalOperator.attachInput(Tuple t)
Shorts the input path of this operator by providing the input tuple
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
UnaryComparisonOperator.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POUserFunc.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POUserComparisonFunc.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POProject.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
PONegative.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POMapLookUp.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POCast.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POBinCond.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
ConstantExpression.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
BinaryExpressionOperator.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
BinaryComparisonOperator.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
POProject.attachInput(Tuple t)
Overridden since the attachment of the new input
should cause the old processing to end.
void |
POBinCond.attachInput(Tuple t) |
void |
POUserComparisonFunc.attachInput(Tuple t1,
Tuple t2) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PhysicalPlan.attachInput(Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Tuple[] | |
protected Tuple |
POFRJoin.dumTup |
protected Tuple |
POForEach.inpTuple |
protected Tuple |
POLocalRearrange.mFakeTuple |
protected Tuple |
POCross.tupleOfLastBag |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Tuple |
POLocalRearrange.constructLROutput(List<Result> resLst,
List<Result> secondaryResLst,
Tuple value) |
protected Tuple |
POPreCombinerLocalRearrange.constructLROutput(List<Result> resLst,
Tuple value) |
protected Tuple |
POCollectedGroup.constructOutput(List<Result> resLst,
Tuple value) |
protected Tuple |
POForEach.createTuple(Object[] data) |
Tuple |
POMergeJoin.TuplesToSchemaTupleList.get(int i) |
Tuple |
Packager.getKeyAsTuple() |
Tuple |
Packager.getValueTuple(PigNullableWritable keyWritable,
NullableTuple ntup,
int index) |
Tuple |
MultiQueryPackager.getValueTuple(PigNullableWritable keyWritable,
NullableTuple ntup,
int origIndex) |
Tuple |
LitePackager.getValueTuple(PigNullableWritable keyWritable,
NullableTuple ntup,
int index)
Makes use of the superclass method, but this requires an additional
parameter key passed by ReadOnceBag.
Tuple |
CombinerPackager.getValueTuple(PigNullableWritable keyWritable,
NullableTuple ntup,
int index) |
protected Tuple |
POFRJoin.getValueTuple(POLocalRearrange lr,
Tuple tuple) |
Tuple |
Packager.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POUnion.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POStream.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POStore.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POSplit.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POSort.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POSkewedJoin.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POReservoirSample.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
PORank.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POPreCombinerLocalRearrange.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POPoissonSample.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POPartialAgg.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POPackage.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POPackage.POPackageTupleBuffer.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
PONative.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POMergeJoin.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POMergeCogroup.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POLocalRearrange.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POLoad.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POLimit.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POGlobalRearrange.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POForEach.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POFilter.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POFRJoin.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
PODistinct.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
PODemux.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POCross.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POCounter.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POCollectedGroup.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
LitePackager.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
protected Tuple |
Packager.illustratorMarkup2(Object in,
Object out) |
protected Tuple |
Packager.starMarkup(Tuple key,
Tuple val,
Tuple out) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Tuple> |
POMergeJoin.TuplesToSchemaTupleList.getList() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
POPackage.POPackageTupleBuffer.getTuples(int index) |
Iterator<Tuple> |
AccumulativeTupleBuffer.getTuples(int index)
Get iterator of tuples in the buffer
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
POMergeJoin.TuplesToSchemaTupleList.add(Tuple t) |
void |
POPreCombinerLocalRearrange.attachInput(Tuple t)
Overridden since the attachment of the new input should cause the old
processing to end.
void |
POLocalRearrange.attachInput(Tuple t)
Overridden since the attachment of the new input should cause the old
processing to end.
void |
POCollectedGroup.attachInput(Tuple t)
Overridden since the attachment of the new input should cause the old
processing to end.
protected void |
POForEach.attachInputToPlans(Tuple t) |
int | o1,
Tuple o2) |
int | t1,
Tuple t2) |
protected Tuple |
POLocalRearrange.constructLROutput(List<Result> resLst,
List<Result> secondaryResLst,
Tuple value) |
protected Tuple |
POPreCombinerLocalRearrange.constructLROutput(List<Result> resLst,
Tuple value) |
protected Tuple |
POCollectedGroup.constructOutput(List<Result> resLst,
Tuple value) |
protected DataBag |
POPartitionRearrange.constructPROutput(List<Result> resLst,
Tuple value) |
static SchemaTuple<?> |
POMergeJoin.TuplesToSchemaTupleList.convert(Tuple t,
SchemaTupleFactory tf) |
POMergeJoin.TuplesToSchemaTupleList |
POFRJoin.TupleToMapKey.get(Tuple key) |
Result |
POStream.getNextHelper(Tuple t) |
protected Tuple |
POFRJoin.getValueTuple(POLocalRearrange lr,
Tuple tuple) |
POMergeJoin.TuplesToSchemaTupleList |
POFRJoin.TupleToMapKey.put(Tuple key,
POMergeJoin.TuplesToSchemaTupleList val) |
protected Tuple |
Packager.starMarkup(Tuple key,
Tuple val,
Tuple out) |
Constructor and Description |
POFRJoin(OperatorKey k,
int rp,
List<PhysicalOperator> inp,
List<List<PhysicalPlan>> ppLists,
List<List<Byte>> keyTypes,
FileSpec[] replFiles,
int fragment,
boolean isLeftOuter,
Tuple nullTuple) |
POFRJoin(OperatorKey k,
int rp,
List<PhysicalOperator> inp,
List<List<PhysicalPlan>> ppLists,
List<List<Byte>> keyTypes,
FileSpec[] replFiles,
int fragment,
boolean isLeftOuter,
Tuple nullTuple,
Schema[] inputSchemas,
Schema[] keySchemas) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
MonitoredUDFExecutor.monitorExec(Tuple input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
POValueOutputTez.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POValueInputTez.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POShuffledValueInputTez.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Tuple |
POCounterStatsTez.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected DataBag |
POPartitionRearrangeTez.constructPROutput(List<Result> resLst,
Tuple value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
ReadScalarsTez.exec(Tuple input) |
Map<String,Object> |
PartitionSkewedKeysTez.exec(Tuple in) |
Map<String,Object> |
FindQuantilesTez.exec(Tuple in) |
protected long |
FindQuantilesTez.getMemorySize(Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
HBaseBinaryConverter.bytesToTuple(byte[] b,
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema fieldSchema)
Tuple |
HBaseStorage.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HBaseStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
byte[] |
HBaseBinaryConverter.toBytes(Tuple t)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
Utf8StorageConverter.bytesToTuple(byte[] b,
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema fieldSchema) |
Tuple |
TextLoader.bytesToTuple(byte[] b,
ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema schema)
TextLoader does not support conversion to Tuple
protected static Tuple |
LongAvg.combine(DataBag values) |
protected static Tuple |
IntAvg.combine(DataBag values) |
protected static Tuple |
FloatAvg.combine(DataBag values) |
protected static Tuple |
DoubleAvg.combine(DataBag values) |
protected static Tuple |
COV.combine(DataBag values)
combine results of different data chunk
protected static Tuple |
COR.combine(DataBag values)
combine results of different data chunk
protected static Tuple |
BigIntegerAvg.combine(DataBag values) |
protected static Tuple |
BigDecimalAvg.combine(DataBag values) |
protected static Tuple |
AVG.combine(DataBag values) |
protected static Tuple |
COV.computeAll(DataBag first,
DataBag second)
compute sum(XY), sum(X), sum(Y) from given data sets
protected static Tuple |
COR.computeAll(DataBag first,
DataBag second)
compute sum(XY), sum(X), sum(Y), sum(XX), sum(YY) from given data sets
Tuple |
PigStreaming.deserialize(byte[] bytes,
int offset,
int length) |
Tuple |
TOTUPLE.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
TOP.Initial.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Tuple |
TOP.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
StringMin.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
StringMin.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
StringMax.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
StringMax.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
STRSPLIT.exec(Tuple input)
Wrapper around Java's String.split
Tuple |
REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
PluckTuple.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
LongAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
LongAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
IntAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
IntAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
HiveUDAF.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
HiveUDAF.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
FloatAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
FloatAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DoubleAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DoubleAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
Distinct.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
Distinct.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DateTimeMin.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DateTimeMin.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DateTimeMax.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DateTimeMax.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COV.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COV.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COUNT_STAR.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COUNT_STAR.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COUNT.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COUNT.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COR.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COR.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BuildBloom.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BuildBloom.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BigIntegerAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BigIntegerAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BigDecimalAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BigDecimalAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BagToTuple.exec(Tuple inputTuple) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicLongMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicIntMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicFloatMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicDoubleMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicByteArrayMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicByteArrayMathBase.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicBigIntegerMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicBigDecimalMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AVG.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AVG.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
TextLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
PigStorage.getNext() |
Tuple |
OrcStorage.getNext() |
Tuple |
JsonLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
BinStorage.getNext() |
Tuple |
AvroStorage.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
StringMin.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
StringMax.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
LongAvg.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
IntAvg.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
FloatAvg.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
DoubleAvg.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
DateTimeMin.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
DateTimeMax.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
COUNT_STAR.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
COUNT.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
BigIntegerAvg.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
BigDecimalAvg.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
AlgebraicLongMathBase.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
AlgebraicIntMathBase.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
AlgebraicFloatMathBase.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
AlgebraicDoubleMathBase.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
AlgebraicByteArrayMathBase.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
AlgebraicBigIntegerMathBase.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
AlgebraicBigDecimalMathBase.accumulate(Tuple b) |
void |
AVG.accumulate(Tuple b) |
protected DataByteArray |
BuildBloomBase.bloomOr(Tuple input) |
static void |
CubeDimensions.convertNullToUnknown(Tuple tuple) |
protected static long |
LongAvg.count(Tuple input) |
protected static long |
IntAvg.count(Tuple input) |
protected static long |
FloatAvg.count(Tuple input) |
protected static long |
DoubleAvg.count(Tuple input) |
protected static BigInteger |
BigIntegerAvg.count(Tuple input) |
protected static BigDecimal |
BigDecimalAvg.count(Tuple input) |
protected static long |
AVG.count(Tuple input) |
protected static Long |
AlgebraicLongMathBase.doTupleWork(Tuple input,
AlgebraicMathBase.KnownOpProvider opProvider) |
protected static Integer |
AlgebraicIntMathBase.doTupleWork(Tuple input,
AlgebraicMathBase.KnownOpProvider opProvider) |
protected static Float |
AlgebraicFloatMathBase.doTupleWork(Tuple input,
AlgebraicMathBase.KnownOpProvider opProvider) |
protected static Double |
AlgebraicDoubleMathBase.doTupleWork(Tuple input,
AlgebraicMathBase.KnownOpProvider opProvider) |
protected static BigInteger |
AlgebraicBigIntegerMathBase.doTupleWork(Tuple input,
AlgebraicMathBase.KnownOpProvider opProvider) |
protected static BigDecimal |
AlgebraicBigDecimalMathBase.doTupleWork(Tuple input,
AlgebraicMathBase.KnownOpProvider opProvider) |
protected static Double |
AlgebraicByteArrayMathBase.doTupleWork(Tuple input,
AlgebraicMathBase.KnownOpProvider opProvider,
byte expectedType) |
Object |
InvokerFunction.eval(Tuple input) |
Long |
YearsBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
WeeksBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
VALUESET.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
VALUELIST.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
UniqueID.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
UPPER.exec(Tuple input)
Upper-cases an input string.
String |
UCFIRST.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
TupleSize.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
ToUnixTime.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
ToString.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
ToMilliSeconds.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
ToDateISO.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
ToDate3ARGS.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
ToDate2ARGS.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
ToDate.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
TRIM.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
TOTUPLE.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
TOP.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Tuple |
TOP.Initial.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Tuple |
TOP.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
TOP.Final.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Map |
TOMAP.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
TOKENIZE.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
TOBAG.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
SubtractDuration.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
StringSize.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
StringMin.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
StringMin.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
StringMin.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
StringMin.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
StringMax.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
StringMax.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
StringMax.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
StringMax.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
StringConcat.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
SecondsBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
SUBTRACT.exec(Tuple input)
Compares the two bag fields from input Tuple and returns a new bag composed of elements of first bag not in the second bag.
String |
SUBSTRING.exec(Tuple input)
Method invoked on every tuple during foreach evaluation
DataBag |
STRSPLITTOBAG.exec(Tuple input)
Wrapper around Java's String.split
Tuple |
STRSPLIT.exec(Tuple input)
Wrapper around Java's String.split
Boolean |
STARTSWITH.exec(Tuple tuple) |
String |
SPRINTF.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
SIZE.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
RollupDimensions.exec(Tuple tuple) |
String |
RTRIM.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
ROUND_TO.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Long |
ROUND.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
String |
REPLACE.exec(Tuple input)
Method invoked on every tuple during foreach evaluation
Tuple |
REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
REGEX_EXTRACT.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
RANDOM.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
PluckTuple.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
MonthsBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
MinutesBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
MilliSecondsBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
MapSize.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
LongAvg.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
LongAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
LongAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
LongAvg.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
LongAbs.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
String |
LTRIM.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
LOWER.exec(Tuple input)
Method invoked on every tuple during foreach evaluation
String |
LCFIRST.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
LAST_INDEX_OF.exec(Tuple input)
Finds the last location of a substring in a given string.
DataBag |
KEYSET.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
IsEmpty.exec(Tuple input) |
Object |
InvokerGenerator.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
IntAvg.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
IntAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
IntAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
IntAvg.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
IntAbs.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Map |
INVERSEMAP.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
INDEXOF.exec(Tuple input)
Method invoked on every tuple during foreach evaluation
Long |
HoursBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Object |
HiveUDTF.exec(Tuple input) |
Object |
HiveUDF.exec(Tuple input) |
Object |
HiveUDAF.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
HiveUDAF.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
HiveUDAF.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Object |
HiveUDAF.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetYear.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetWeekYear.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetWeek.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetSecond.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetMonth.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetMinute.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetMilliSecond.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetHour.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GetDay.exec(Tuple input) |
T |
GenericInvoker.exec(Tuple input) |
Float |
FloatRoundTo.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Integer |
FloatRound.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
FloatAvg.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
FloatAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
FloatAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
FloatAvg.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Float |
FloatAbs.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Boolean |
EqualsIgnoreCase.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
ENDSWITH.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Double |
DoubleRoundTo.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Long |
DoubleRound.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleBase.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleAvg.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DoubleAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DoubleAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
DoubleAvg.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
Distinct.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
Distinct.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
Distinct.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
Distinct.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
DaysBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
DateTimeMin.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DateTimeMin.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DateTimeMin.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
DateTimeMin.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
DateTimeMax.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DateTimeMax.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
DateTimeMax.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
DateTimeMax.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
DIFF.exec(Tuple input)
Compares a tuple with two fields.
org.joda.time.DateTime |
CurrentTime.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
CubeDimensions.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Long |
ConstantSize.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
COV.exec(Tuple input)
Function to compute covariance between data sets.
Tuple |
COV.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COV.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
COV.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
COUNT_STAR.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COUNT_STAR.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COUNT_STAR.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
COUNT_STAR.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
COUNT.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COUNT.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COUNT.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
COUNT.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
COR.exec(Tuple input)
Function to compute correlation between data sets.
Tuple |
COR.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COR.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
COR.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
DataByteArray |
CONCAT.exec(Tuple input) |
DataByteArray |
BuildBloom.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BuildBloom.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BuildBloom.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
DataByteArray |
BuildBloom.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
Bloom.exec(Tuple input) |
BigDecimal |
BigIntegerAvg.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BigIntegerAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BigIntegerAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
BigDecimal |
BigIntegerAvg.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
BigInteger |
BigIntegerAbs.exec(Tuple input) |
BigDecimal |
BigDecimalAvg.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BigDecimalAvg.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BigDecimalAvg.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
BigDecimal |
BigDecimalAvg.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
BigDecimal |
BigDecimalAbs.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
BagToTuple.exec(Tuple inputTuple) |
String |
BagToString.exec(Tuple inputTuple) |
Long |
BagSize.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
Assert.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Long |
AlgebraicLongMathBase.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicLongMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
AlgebraicLongMathBase.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
AlgebraicIntMathBase.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicIntMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
AlgebraicIntMathBase.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Float |
AlgebraicFloatMathBase.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicFloatMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Float |
AlgebraicFloatMathBase.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
AlgebraicDoubleMathBase.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicDoubleMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
AlgebraicDoubleMathBase.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
AlgebraicByteArrayMathBase.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicByteArrayMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicByteArrayMathBase.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
AlgebraicByteArrayMathBase.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
BigInteger |
AlgebraicBigIntegerMathBase.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicBigIntegerMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
BigInteger |
AlgebraicBigIntegerMathBase.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
BigDecimal |
AlgebraicBigDecimalMathBase.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AlgebraicBigDecimalMathBase.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
BigDecimal |
AlgebraicBigDecimalMathBase.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
org.joda.time.DateTime |
AddDuration.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
AVG.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AVG.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
AVG.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
AVG.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
ARITY.exec(Tuple input)
Double |
ABS.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
protected DataBag |
Distinct.getDistinct(Tuple input) |
T |
Invoker.invoke(Tuple input) |
protected static String |
StringMax.max(Tuple input) |
protected static org.joda.time.DateTime |
DateTimeMax.max(Tuple input) |
protected static String |
StringMin.min(Tuple input) |
protected static org.joda.time.DateTime |
DateTimeMin.min(Tuple input) |
void |
PigStorage.putNext(Tuple f) |
void |
OrcStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
JsonStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
BinStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
AvroStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
WritableByteArray |
PigStreaming.serializeToBytes(Tuple t) |
protected static Long |
LongAvg.sum(Tuple input) |
protected static Long |
IntAvg.sum(Tuple input) |
protected static Double |
FloatAvg.sum(Tuple input) |
protected static Double |
DoubleAvg.sum(Tuple input) |
protected static Long |
COUNT_STAR.sum(Tuple input) |
protected static Long |
COUNT.sum(Tuple input) |
protected static BigInteger |
BigIntegerAvg.sum(Tuple input) |
protected static BigDecimal |
BigDecimalAvg.sum(Tuple input) |
protected static Double |
AVG.sum(Tuple input) |
byte[] |
Utf8StorageConverter.toBytes(Tuple t) |
byte[] |
TextLoader.toBytes(Tuple t) |
byte[] |
BinStorage.toBytes(Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static void |
TOP.updateTop(PriorityQueue<Tuple> store,
int limit,
DataBag inputBag) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
Storage.getNext() |
static Tuple |
Storage.tuple(Object... objects) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Tuple> |
Storage.Data.get(String location) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DataBag |
Storage.bag(Tuple... tuples) |
void |
Storage.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
Storage.Data.set(String location,
Schema schema,
Tuple... data)
to set the data in a location with a known schema
void |
Storage.Data.set(String location,
String schema,
Tuple... data)
to set the data in a location with a known schema
void |
Storage.Data.set(String location,
Tuple... data)
to set the data in a location
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Storage.Data.set(String location,
Collection<Tuple> data)
to set the data in a location
void |
Storage.Data.set(String location,
Schema schema,
Collection<Tuple> data)
to set the data in a location with a known schema
void |
Storage.Data.set(String location,
String schema,
Collection<Tuple> data)
to set the data in a location with a known schema
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
TupleMaker<A extends Tuple> |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
TypeAwareTuple |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class provides a convenient base for Tuple implementations.
class |
AmendableTuple |
class |
AppendableSchemaTuple<T extends AppendableSchemaTuple<T>> |
class |
This tuple has a faster (de)serialization mechanism.
static class |
DefaultAbstractBag.BagDelimiterTuple |
static class |
DefaultAbstractBag.EndBag |
static class |
DefaultAbstractBag.StartBag |
class |
A default implementation of Tuple.
class |
SchemaTuple<T extends SchemaTuple<T>>
A SchemaTuple is a type aware tuple that is much faster and more memory efficient.
class |
A tuple composed with the operators to which
it needs be attached
class |
TimestampedTuple |
class |
UnlimitedNullTuple |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Tuple |
DefaultAbstractBag.endBag |
static Tuple |
DefaultAbstractBag.startBag |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Collection<Tuple> |
DefaultAbstractBag.mContents |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Tuple | t) |
static Tuple |
DataReaderWriter.bytesToTuple(DataInput in) |
protected abstract Tuple |
SchemaTuple.generatedCodeGetTuple(int fieldNum) |
Tuple |
AppendableSchemaTuple.getAppendedFields() |
Tuple |
TypeAwareTuple.getTuple(int idx) |
Tuple |
SchemaTuple.getTuple(int fieldNum) |
abstract Tuple |
Create an empty tuple.
Tuple |
BinSedesTupleFactory.newTuple() |
abstract Tuple |
TupleFactory.newTuple(int size)
Create a tuple with size fields.
Tuple |
BinSedesTupleFactory.newTuple(int size) |
abstract Tuple |
TupleFactory.newTuple(List c)
Create a tuple from the provided list of objects.
Tuple |
BinSedesTupleFactory.newTuple(List c) |
abstract Tuple |
TupleFactory.newTuple(Object datum)
Create a tuple with a single element.
Tuple |
BinSedesTupleFactory.newTuple(Object datum) |
abstract Tuple |
TupleFactory.newTupleNoCopy(List list)
Create a tuple from a provided list of objects, keeping the provided
Tuple |
BinSedesTupleFactory.newTupleNoCopy(List list) |
Tuple | |
Tuple |
BinInterSedes.readTuple(DataInput in) |
Tuple |
BinInterSedes.readTuple(DataInput in,
byte type) |
protected Tuple |
SchemaTuple.returnUnlessNull(boolean isNull,
Tuple val) |
Tuple |
TargetedTuple.toTuple() |
static Tuple |
DataType.toTuple(Object o)
If this object is a tuple, return it as a tuple.
protected Tuple |
SchemaTuple.unbox(Object v,
Tuple t) |
protected Tuple |
SchemaTuple.unboxTuple(Object val) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Tuple> |
SortedDataBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
SingleTupleBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
ReadOnceBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
NonSpillableDataBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
InternalSortedBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
InternalDistinctBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
InternalCachedBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
DistinctDataBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
DefaultDataBag.iterator() |
Iterator<Tuple> |
Get an iterator to the bag.
Iterator<Tuple> |
AccumulativeBag.iterator() |
abstract Class<? extends Tuple> |
Return the actual class representing a tuple that the implementing
factory will be returning.
Class<? extends Tuple> |
BinSedesTupleFactory.tupleClass() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SingleTupleBag.add(Tuple t) |
void |
ReadOnceBag.add(Tuple t) |
void |
NonSpillableDataBag.add(Tuple t) |
void |
InternalSortedBag.add(Tuple t) |
void |
InternalDistinctBag.add(Tuple t) |
void |
InternalCachedBag.add(Tuple t) |
void |
DistinctDataBag.add(Tuple t) |
void |
DefaultAbstractBag.add(Tuple t)
Add a tuple to the bag.
void |
DataBag.add(Tuple t)
Add a tuple to the bag.
void |
AccumulativeBag.add(Tuple t) |
void |
InterSedes.addColsToTuple(DataInput in,
Tuple t)
The type of next object has been determined to be of type Tuple,
add the columns that belong to the tuple to given tuple argument t
void |
BinInterSedes.addColsToTuple(DataInput in,
Tuple t) |
protected Tuple | t) |
protected int |
SchemaTuple.compareNull(boolean usNull,
Tuple t,
int pos) |
protected int |
SchemaTuple.compareSize(Tuple t) |
int |
SchemaTuple.compareTo(Tuple t) |
protected int |
SchemaTuple.compareTo(Tuple t,
boolean checkType) |
protected abstract void |
SchemaTuple.generatedCodeSetTuple(int fieldNum,
Tuple val) |
protected int |
SchemaTuple.hashCodePiece(int hash,
Tuple v,
boolean isNull) |
void |
Tuple.reference(Tuple t)
void |
TargetedTuple.reference(Tuple t) |
void |
SchemaTuple.reference(Tuple t) |
void |
AbstractTuple.reference(Tuple t) |
protected Tuple |
SchemaTuple.returnUnlessNull(boolean isNull,
Tuple val) |
SchemaTuple<T> |
SchemaTuple.set(Tuple t) |
protected SchemaTuple<T> |
SchemaTuple.set(Tuple t,
boolean checkType) |
void |
SchemaTuple.setAndCatch(Tuple t) |
protected void |
AppendableSchemaTuple.setAppendedFields(Tuple t) |
void |
TypeAwareTuple.setTuple(int idx,
Tuple val) |
void |
SchemaTuple.setTuple(int fieldNum,
Tuple val) |
static void |
DataType.spillTupleContents(Tuple t,
String label)
Purely for debugging
protected Tuple |
SchemaTuple.unbox(Object v,
Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DefaultAbstractBag.addAll(Collection<Tuple> c) |
void |
DefaultAbstractBag.addAll(Iterable<Tuple> iterable)
Add contents of an iterable (a collection or a DataBag)
DataBag |
DefaultBagFactory.newDefaultBag(List<Tuple> listOfTuples)
Get a default (unordered, not distinct) data bag from
an existing list of tuples.
abstract DataBag |
BagFactory.newDefaultBag(List<Tuple> listOfTuples)
Get a default (unordered, not distinct) data bag with
an existing list of tuples inserted into the bag.
DataBag |
DefaultBagFactory.newSortedBag(Comparator<Tuple> comp)
Get a sorted data bag.
abstract DataBag |
BagFactory.newSortedBag(Comparator<Tuple> comp)
Get a sorted data bag.
long |
SortedSpillBag.proactive_spill(Comparator<Tuple> comp)
Sort contents of mContents and write them to disk
long |
InternalSortedBag.proactive_spill(Comparator<Tuple> comp) |
Constructor and Description |
SingleTupleBag(Tuple t) |
TargetedTuple(Tuple t,
List<OperatorKey> targetOps) |
Constructor and Description |
DefaultDataBag(List<Tuple> listOfTuples)
This constructor creates a bag out of an existing list
of tuples by taking ownership of the list and NOT
copying the contents of the list.
InternalSortedBag(Comparator<Tuple> comp) |
InternalSortedBag(int bagCount,
Comparator<Tuple> comp) |
InternalSortedBag(int bagCount,
float percent,
Comparator<Tuple> comp) |
NonSpillableDataBag(List<Tuple> listOfTuples)
This constructor creates a bag out of an existing list
of tuples by taking ownership of the list and NOT
copying the contents of the list.
SortedDataBag(Comparator<Tuple> comp) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Tuple |
SedesHelper.readGenericTuple(DataInput in,
byte type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
SedesHelper.writeGenericTuple(DataOutput out,
Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
GetMemNumRows.exec(Tuple in) |
Tuple |
Allocate a buffer for numSamples elements, populate it with the
first numSamples tuples, and continue scanning rest of the input.
Tuple |
PoissonSampleLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
DefaultIndexableLoader.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
StreamingUDF.exec(Tuple input) |
Object |
ReadScalars.exec(Tuple input)
Java level API
Map<String,Object> |
PartitionSkewedKeys.exec(Tuple in)
first field in the input tuple is the number of reducers
second field is the *sorted* bag of samples
this should be called only once
Boolean |
IsFirstReduceOfKey.exec(Tuple input) |
Object |
IdentityColumn.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
GetMemNumRows.exec(Tuple in) |
DataBag |
GFReplicate.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
GFCross.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
GFAny.exec(Tuple input) |
Map<String,Object> |
FindQuantiles.exec(Tuple in)
first field in the input tuple is the number of quantiles to generate
second field is the *sorted* bag of samples
protected long |
PartitionSkewedKeys.getMemorySize(Tuple t) |
void |
DefaultIndexableLoader.seekNear(Tuple keys) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
TFileRecordReader.getCurrentValue() |
Tuple |
InterRecordReader.getCurrentValue() |
Tuple |
BinStorageRecordReader.getCurrentValue() |
Tuple |
TFileStorage.getNext() |
Tuple |
SequenceFileInterStorage.getNext() |
Tuple |
ReadToEndLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
InterStorage.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader<,Tuple> |
TFileStorage.TFileInputFormat.createRecordReader(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit split,
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext context) |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader<,Tuple> |
InterStorage.InterInputFormat.createRecordReader(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit split,
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext context) |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader<,Tuple> |
BinStorageInputFormat.createRecordReader(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit split,
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext context) |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter<,Tuple> |
TFileStorage.TFileOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext job) |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter<,Tuple> |
InterStorage.InterOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext job) |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter<,Tuple> |
BinStorageOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext job) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TFileStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
SequenceFileInterStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
InterStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
TFileRecordWriter.write( wc,
Tuple t) |
void |
InterRecordWriter.write( wc,
Tuple t) |
void |
BinStorageRecordWriter.write( wc,
Tuple t) |
Constructor and Description |
NullableTuple(Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
PigStreamingUDF.deserialize(byte[] bytes,
int offset,
int length) |
Tuple |
Get the next output
Tuple of the managed process. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
InputHandler.putNext(Tuple t)
Send the given input
Tuple to the managed executable. |
WritableByteArray |
PigStreamingUDF.serializeToBytes(Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Tuple |
StorageUtil.bytesToTuple(byte[] buf,
int offset,
int length,
byte fieldDel)
Transform bytes from a byte array up to the specified length to a
Tuple |
Tuple |
LineageTracer.getRepresentative(Tuple t) |
static Tuple |
StorageUtil.textToTuple( val,
byte fieldDel)
Transform a line of
Text to a Tuple |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Integer> |
LineageTracer.getCounts() |
Collection<Tuple> |
LineageTracer.getMembers(Tuple t) |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Collection<Tuple>> |
LineageTracer.getMembershipMap() |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Collection<Tuple>> |
LineageTracer.getMembershipMap() |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Integer> |
LineageTracer.getWeightedCounts(IdentityHashSet<Tuple> specialTuples,
int multiplier) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
TupleFormat.format(Tuple tuple)
Default implementation of format of tuple (each filed is delimited by
Collection<Tuple> |
LineageTracer.getMembers(Tuple t) |
Tuple |
LineageTracer.getRepresentative(Tuple t) |
void |
LineageTracer.insert(Tuple t) |
void |
LineageTracer.union(Tuple t1,
Tuple t2) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Integer> |
LineageTracer.getWeightedCounts(IdentityHashSet<Tuple> specialTuples,
int multiplier) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AvroTupleWrapper<T extends org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord>
Object that wraps an Avro object in a tuple.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Tuple> |
AvroBagWrapper.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AvroBagWrapper.add(Tuple t) |
static org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Record |
AvroStorageDataConversionUtilities.packIntoAvro(Tuple t,
org.apache.avro.Schema s)
Packs a Pig Tuple into an Avro record.
void |
AvroTupleWrapper.reference(Tuple arg0) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
Illustrable.illustratorMarkup(Object in,
Object out,
int eqClassIndex)
input tuple mark up to be illustrate-able
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>> |
ExampleGenerator.getEqClasses() |
LinkedList<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>> |
Illustrator.getEquivalenceClasses() |
IdentityHashSet<Tuple> |
Illustrator.getInputs() |
Map<LogicalRelationalOperator,Collection<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>>> |
ExampleGenerator.getLoToEqClassMap() |
static Map<LogicalRelationalOperator,Collection<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>>> |
EquivalenceClasses.getLoToEqClassMap(PhysicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan lp,
Map<Operator,PhysicalOperator> logToPhyMap,
Map<Operator,DataBag> logToDataMap,
Map<LOForEach,Map<LogicalRelationalOperator,PhysicalOperator>> forEachInnerLogToPhyMap,
HashMap<PhysicalOperator,Collection<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>>> poToEqclassesMap) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Illustrator.addData(Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Illustrator.addInputs(IdentityHashSet<Tuple> inputs) |
static Map<LogicalRelationalOperator,Collection<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>>> |
EquivalenceClasses.getLoToEqClassMap(PhysicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan lp,
Map<Operator,PhysicalOperator> logToPhyMap,
Map<Operator,DataBag> logToDataMap,
Map<LOForEach,Map<LogicalRelationalOperator,PhysicalOperator>> forEachInnerLogToPhyMap,
HashMap<PhysicalOperator,Collection<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>>> poToEqclassesMap) |
void |
Illustrator.setEquivalenceClasses(LinkedList<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>> eqClasses,
PhysicalOperator po) |
Constructor and Description |
Illustrator(LineageTracer lineage,
LinkedList<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>> equivalenceClasses,
IllustratorAttacher attacher,
PigContext hadoopPigContext) |
Illustrator(LineageTracer lineage,
LinkedList<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>> equivalenceClasses,
int maxRecords,
IllustratorAttacher attacher,
LogicalSchema schema,
PigContext hadoopPigContext) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ExampleTuple |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
LineageTracer.getRepresentative(Tuple t) |
Tuple |
ExampleTuple.toTuple() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Double> |
LineageTracer.getCounts() |
Collection<Tuple> |
LineageTracer.getMembers(Tuple t) |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Collection<Tuple>> |
LineageTracer.getMembershipMap() |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Collection<Tuple>> |
LineageTracer.getMembershipMap() |
IdentityHashMap<Tuple,Double> |
LineageTracer.getWeightedCounts(float syntheticMultipler,
float omittableMultiplier) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Tuple> |
LineageTracer.getMembers(Tuple t) |
Tuple |
LineageTracer.getRepresentative(Tuple t) |
void |
LineageTracer.insert(Tuple t) |
void |
ExampleTuple.reference(Tuple t) |
void |
LineageTracer.union(Tuple t1,
Tuple t2) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static float |
MetricEvaluation.getCompleteness(Operator op,
Map<Operator,DataBag> exampleData,
Map<LogicalRelationalOperator,Collection<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>>> OperatorToEqClasses,
boolean overallCompleteness) |
static float |
MetricEvaluation.getConciseness(Operator op,
Map<Operator,DataBag> exampleData,
Map<LogicalRelationalOperator,Collection<IdentityHashSet<Tuple>>> OperatorToEqClasses,
boolean overallConciseness) |
Constructor and Description |
ExampleTuple(Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
ExtremalTupleByNthField.exec(Tuple input)
The EvalFunc interface
Tuple |
ExtremalTupleByNthField.HelperClass.exec(Tuple input) |
protected static Tuple |
ExtremalTupleByNthField.extreme(int pind,
int psign,
Tuple input,
PigProgressable reporter) |
Tuple |
ExtremalTupleByNthField.getValue() |
protected static Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.max(Tuple input,
PigProgressable reporter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ExtremalTupleByNthField.accumulate(Tuple b) |
DataBag |
Stitch.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
Over.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.Intermediate.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
IsNumeric.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
IsLong.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
IsInt.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
IsFloat.exec(Tuple input) |
Boolean |
IsDouble.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
ExtremalTupleByNthField.exec(Tuple input)
The EvalFunc interface
Tuple |
ExtremalTupleByNthField.HelperClass.exec(Tuple input) |
protected static Tuple |
ExtremalTupleByNthField.extreme(int pind,
int psign,
Tuple input,
PigProgressable reporter) |
protected static Tuple |
MaxTupleBy1stField.max(Tuple input,
PigProgressable reporter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Integer |
DiffDate.exec(Tuple input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
UnixToISO.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
ISOToUnix.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
CustomFormatToISO.exec(Tuple input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Long |
ISOYearsBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
ISOSecondsBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
ISOMonthsBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
ISOMinutesBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
ISOHoursBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
ISODaysBetween.exec(Tuple input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ISOToYear.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
ISOToWeek.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
ISOToSecond.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
ISOToMonth.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
ISOToMinute.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
ISOToHour.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
ISOToDay.exec(Tuple input) |
static org.joda.time.DateTime |
ISOHelper.parseDateTime(Tuple input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
Decode.exec(Tuple tuple) |
String |
BinCond.exec(Tuple tuple) |
String |
Bin.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Double |
nextAfter.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Integer |
getExponent.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
copySign.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
ULP.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
SIGNUM.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
SCALB.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Long |
ROUND.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
RANDOM.exec(Tuple input) |
Double |
NEXTUP.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
MIN.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
MAX.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Long |
LongMin.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Long |
LongMax.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Long |
LongAbs.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Integer |
IntMin.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Integer |
IntMax.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Integer |
IntAbs.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Float |
FloatUlp.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Float |
FloatSignum.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Integer |
FloatRound.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Float |
FloatNextup.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Float |
FloatNextAfter.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Float |
FloatMin.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Float |
FloatMax.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Integer |
FloatGetExponent.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Float |
FloatCopySign.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Float |
FloatAbs.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleUlp.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleSignum.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Long |
DoubleRound.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleNextup.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleNextAfter.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleMin.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleMax.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Integer |
DoubleGetExponent.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleDoubleBase.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleCopySign.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleBase.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
DoubleAbs.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Double |
ABS.exec(Tuple input)
java level API
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static Tuple |
COV.combine(DataBag values)
combine results of different data chunk
protected static Tuple |
COR.combine(DataBag values)
combine results of different data chunk
protected static Tuple |
COV.computeAll(DataBag first,
DataBag second)
compute sum(XY), sum(X), sum(Y) from given data sets
protected static Tuple |
COR.computeAll(DataBag first,
DataBag second)
compute sum(XY), sum(X), sum(Y), sum(XX), sum(YY) from given data sets
Tuple |
COV.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COV.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COR.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COR.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DataBag |
COV.exec(Tuple input)
Function to compute covariance between data sets.
Tuple |
COV.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COV.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
COV.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
COR.exec(Tuple input)
Function to compute correlation between data sets.
Tuple |
COR.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
COR.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
COR.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
RegexExtractAll.exec(Tuple input)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
UPPER.exec(Tuple input)
Upper-cases an input string.
String |
Stuff.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
Reverse.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
RegexMatch.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
RegexExtractAll.exec(Tuple input)
String |
RegexExtract.exec(Tuple input)
Integer |
LookupInFiles.exec(Tuple input) |
Integer |
LENGTH.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
HashFNV2.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
HashFNV1.exec(Tuple input) |
Long |
HashFNV.exec(Tuple input) |
void |
LookupInFiles.init(Tuple tuple) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
Top.Initial.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Tuple |
Top.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
ToTuple.exec(Tuple input)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DataBag |
Top.exec(Tuple tuple)
Tuple |
Top.Initial.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Tuple |
Top.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
DataBag |
Top.Final.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Tuple |
ToTuple.exec(Tuple input)
DataBag |
ToBag.exec(Tuple input)
String |
SearchQuery.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static void |
Top.updateTop(PriorityQueue<Tuple> store,
int limit,
DataBag inputBag)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SearchTermExtractor.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
SearchEngineExtractor.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
HostExtractor.exec(Tuple input) |
String |
DateExtractor.exec(Tuple input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
XPathAll.exec(Tuple input)
input should contain: 1) xml 2) xpath 3) optional cache xml doc flag 4)
optional ignore namespace flag
The optional fourth parameter (IGNORE_NAMESPACE), if set true will remove
the namespace from xPath For example xpath /html:body/html:div will be
considered as /body/div
Usage: 1) XPathAll(xml, xpath)
2) XPathAll(xml, xpath, false)
3) XPathAll(xml, xpath, false, false)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
XPathAll.exec(Tuple input)
input should contain: 1) xml 2) xpath 3) optional cache xml doc flag 4)
optional ignore namespace flag
The optional fourth parameter (IGNORE_NAMESPACE), if set true will remove
the namespace from xPath For example xpath /html:body/html:div will be
considered as /body/div
Usage: 1) XPathAll(xml, xpath)
2) XPathAll(xml, xpath, false)
3) XPathAll(xml, xpath, false, false)
String |
XPath.exec(Tuple input)
input should contain: 1) xml 2) xpath
3) optional cache xml doc flag
4) optional ignore namespace flag
1) XPath(xml, xpath)
2) XPath(xml, xpath, false)
3) XPath(xml, xpath, false, false)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
XMLLoader.createTuple(String str)
Creates a tuple from a matched string
Tuple |
IndexedStorage.IndexManager.getIndexKeyTuple(Tuple indexTuple)
Extracts the index key from the index tuple
Tuple |
HadoopJobHistoryLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
XMLLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
SequenceFileLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
RegExLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
IndexedStorage.getNext() |
Tuple |
HiveColumnarLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
FixedWidthLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
CSVLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
CSVExcelStorage.getNext() |
Tuple |
AllLoader.getNext() |
Tuple |
Reads the next index from the index file (or null if EOF) and extracts
the index fields.
Tuple |
IndexedStorage.IndexManager.ScanIndex(Tuple keys)
Scans the index looking for a given key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter<String,Tuple> |
MultiStorage.MultiStorageOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext context) |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter<,Tuple> |
IndexedStorage.IndexedStorageOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
IndexedStorage.IndexManager.getIndexKeyTuple(Tuple indexTuple)
Extracts the index key from the index tuple
long |
IndexedStorage.IndexManager.getIndexKeyTupleCount(Tuple indexTuple)
Extracts the number of records that share the current key from the index tuple.
long |
IndexedStorage.IndexManager.getOffset(Tuple indexTuple)
Extracts the offset into the data file from the index tuple.
void |
MultiStorage.putNext(Tuple tuple) |
void |
HiveColumnarStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
FixedWidthStorer.putNext(Tuple t) |
void |
DBStorage.putNext(Tuple tuple)
Write the tuple to Database directly here.
void |
CSVExcelStorage.putNext(Tuple tupleToWrite) |
Tuple |
IndexedStorage.IndexManager.ScanIndex(Tuple keys)
Scans the index looking for a given key.
void |
IndexedStorage.seekNear(Tuple keys) |
boolean |
IndexedStorage.IndexedStorageInputFormat.IndexedStorageRecordReader.seekNear(Tuple keys)
Scan the index for given key and seek to appropriate offset in the data
void |
IndexedStorage.IndexedStorageOutputFormat.IndexedStorageRecordWriter.write( key,
Tuple value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
AvroStorage.getNext() |
protected Tuple |
PigAvroRecordReader.wrapAsTuple(Object in)
Wrap non-tuple value as a tuple
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AvroStorage.putNext(Tuple t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Tuple |
HiveRCSchemaUtil.parseLazyArrayToPigArray(org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazyArray arr)
Converts the LazyArray to a Tuple.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GroovyAccumulatorEvalFunc.accumulate(Tuple b) |
T |
GroovyEvalFunc.exec(Tuple input) |
Constructor and Description |
GroovyUtils.DataBagGroovyIterator(Iterator<Tuple> iter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Tuple |
JrubyAlgebraicEvalFunc.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
JrubyAlgebraicEvalFunc.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
static Tuple |
PigJrubyLibrary.rubyToPig(org.jruby.RubyArray rbObject)
A type specific conversion routine.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Tuple> |
RubyDataBag.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
JrubyAccumulatorEvalFunc.accumulate(Tuple b)
This uses the "exec" method required of AccumulatorPigUdf Ruby classes.
Object |
JrubyEvalFunc.exec(Tuple tuple)
The exec method passes the tuple argument to the Ruby function, and converts the result back to Pig.
Tuple |
JrubyAlgebraicEvalFunc.Initial.exec(Tuple input) |
Tuple |
JrubyAlgebraicEvalFunc.Intermed.exec(Tuple input) |
T |
JrubyAlgebraicEvalFunc.Final.exec(Tuple input) |
abstract T |
JrubyAlgebraicEvalFunc.AlgebraicFunctionWrapper.exec(Tuple input) |
static org.jruby.RubyArray |
PigJrubyLibrary.pigToRuby(org.jruby.Ruby ruby,
Tuple object)
A type specific conversion routine.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
JsFunction.exec(Tuple tuple) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
JythonFunction.exec(Tuple tuple) |
static org.python.core.PyTuple |
JythonUtils.pigTupleToPyTuple(Tuple tuple) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Tuple> |
OutputStats.iterator() |
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