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Package org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators

Added Classes

Changed Classes
POCounter This operator is part of the RANK operator implementation.
POFRJoin The operator models the join keys using the Local Rearrange operators which are configured with the plan specified by the user.
POGlobalRearrange Dummy operator to test MRCompiler.
POLoad The load operator which is used in two ways: 1) As a local operator it can be used to load files 2) In the Map Reduce setting it is used to create jobs from MapReduce operators which keep the loads and stores in the Map and Reduce Plans till the job is created
POLocalRearrange The local rearrange operator is a part of the co-group implementation.
POMergeJoin This operator implements merge join algorithm to do map side joins.
POMergeJoin.TuplesToSchemaTupleList This is a class that extends ArrayList making it easy to provide on the fly conversion from Tuple to SchemaTuple.
POPackage The package operator that packages the globally rearranged tuples into output format as required by co-group.
POPartialAgg Do partial aggregation in map plan.
POPartitionRearrange The partition rearrange operator is a part of the skewed join implementation.
PORank This operator is part of the RANK operator implementation.
POStore The store operator which is used in two ways: 1) As a local operator it can be used to store files 2) In the Map Reduce setting it is used to create jobs from MapReduce operators which keep the loads and stores in the Map and Reduce Plans till the job is created