Generated by

Package org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators

Added Classes

Changed Classes and Interfaces
AccumulativeTupleBuffer This interface is used during Reduce phrase to process tuples in batch mode.
CombinerPackager The package operator that packages the globally rearranged tuples into output format after the combiner stage.
LitePackager This package operator is a specialization of POPackage operator used for the specific case of the order by query.
POCollectedGroup The collected group operator is a special operator used when users give the hint 'using "collected"' in a group by clause.
POCross Recover this class for nested cross operation.
POFRJoin The operator models the join keys using the Local Rearrange operators which are configured with the plan specified by the user.
POGlobalRearrange Dummy operator to test MRCompiler.
POMergeJoin This operator implements merge join algorithm to do map side joins.
POSort This implementation is applicable for both the physical plan and for the local backend as the conversion of physical to mapreduce would see the SORT operator and take necessary steps to convert it to a quantile and a sort job.