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Changed Methods
void initialPlanNotification(String, OperatorPlan) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked before any Hadoop jobs (or a Tez DAG) are run with the plan that is to be executed.
void jobFailedNotification(String, JobStats) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked when a Hadoop job fails.
void jobFinishedNotification(String, JobStats) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked just after a Hadoop job (or Tez DAG) is completed successfully.
void jobStartedNotification(String, String) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked after a Hadoop job (or Tez DAG) is started.
void jobsSubmittedNotification(String, int) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked just before submitting a batch of Hadoop jobs (or Tez DAGs).
void launchCompletedNotification(String, int) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked just after all Hadoop jobs (Tez DAGs) spawned by the script are completed.
void launchStartedNotification(String, int) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked just before launching Hadoop jobs (or tez DAGs) spawned by the script.
void outputCompletedNotification(String, OutputStats) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked just after an output is successfully written.
void progressUpdatedNotification(String, int) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Invoked to update the execution progress.