Generated by

Interface org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecJob

Changed Methods
void completionNotification(Object) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. hook for asynchronous notification of job completion pushed from the back-end
String getAlias() Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Returns the alias of relation generated by this job
Properties getConfiguration() Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Get configuration information
Exception getException() Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Get exceptions that happened during execution
void getLogs(OutputStream) Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Collecting various forms of outputs
POStore getPOStore() Changed from non-abstract to abstract. @return POStore object associated with the store
Iterator getResults() Changed from non-abstract to abstract. if query has executed successfully we want to retrieve the results via iterating over them.
void getSTDError(OutputStream) Changed from non-abstract to abstract.  
void getSTDOut(OutputStream) Changed from non-abstract to abstract.  
PigStats getStatistics() Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Can be information about the state (not submitted e.g.
JOB_STATUS getStatus() Changed from non-abstract to abstract.  
boolean hasCompleted() Changed from non-abstract to abstract. true is the physical plan has executed successfully and results are ready to be retrieved
void kill() Changed from non-abstract to abstract. Kills current job.